Latest Study Reveals Solution for Scars Significantly Reduces Redness and Thickness of Scars

Solution for Scars, the first topical on the market to clinically reduce scar size, thickness and redness

Science of Skin (SOS), founded by a scientific skin biologist and a leading cosmetic surgeon has just conducted their latest clinical trial on their pioneering product: Solution for Scars. The scar treatment cream had already been scientifically proven in the laboratory to reduce scar size by up to 40% (1) is now proven to significantly reduce the thickness and redness of a scar in just two weeks (2) in a clinical trial in volunteers.
The study, conducted in the UK in affiliation with a leading university, set out to discover the benefits of a topical on scars and inflamed skin. According to the scientific skin biologist and co-founder of SOS, Dr Ardeshir Bayat

“…the aim of this study was to assess the effect of 14 days application of topical epigallocatechin gallate (also known as ECGC, one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants found in green tea) compared to placebo in vivo, in uniformly created punch biopsy scars in 20 volunteers using quantitative non-invasive devices and immunohistochemical analysis of tissue biopsies in a double-blind randomised-controlled trial.”

The double-blind randomised controlled trial is the first of its kind to show that there is evidence for the role of topical ECGC (a powerful phytochemical present in green tea) in reducing redness and skin thickness in human skin


The study found that skin thickness, measured by Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and ultrasound, were significantly reduced by over a 14 day period with EGCG compared to placebo. While, redness was reduced by significantly as seen by reduction of blood-flow with EGCG, compared to placebo, which showed no change over a 14 day period.

Leading surgeon and SOS co-founder Douglas McGeorge explains, “We are delighted with the trial results shown so far. We knew that the formulation containing EGCG alters the inflammatory response and could improve the appearance of a scar from previous research.  This new research confirms, clinically, that the formulation of Solution for Scars can actually reduce the thickness of scars, as well as modulating the inflammation response.”

The study, which has now been shortlisted for an award by the SAWC (The Symposium on Advanced Wound Care) in the US in April of this year, is the start of a wider discussion around how this unique formulation and ECGC ingredient can affect scar healing.

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